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WIKI - Idle Pixel

Woodcutting Woodcutting

Woodcutting is a type of skill which is used to gain logs from chopping down trees. Different types of trees will give better logs which could be used in crafting or cooking.

Having used the Strange Leaf Fertilizer allows the player to start gathering Strange Leaves, which are used for Brewing.

These are the types of trees which may be chopped:

Image Tree Type Log Type Level Required Additional Requirements XP Given Additional Loot given
Tree 1 - 1 000 xp -
Oak Tree 15 - 2 000 xp -
Apple Tree 30 Fruit Tree Fertilizer 4 000 xp Apples
Willow Tree 30 - 4 000 xp -
Maple Tree 45 - 10 000 xp Maple Syrup v
Banana Tree 50 Fruit Tree Fertilizer 12 000 xp Bananas
Stardust Tree 60 - 15 000 xp Stardust is given when burning Stardust Logs (2000-6000 per log)
Orange Tree 65 Fruit Tree Fertilizer 20 000 xp Oranges
Pine Tree 70 - 13 000 xp -
Palm Tree 80 Fruit Tree Fertilizer 20 000 xp Coconuts
Redwood Tree 80 - 18 000 xp -
Bone Tree 80 Completed Hard Woodcutting Achievements 28 000 xp Bones
Dragon Fruit Tree ?? (88 or less) Fruit Tree Fertilizer 400 000 xp Dragonfruit
Lava Tree 91 Completed Hard Woodcutting Achievements 32 000 xp 50 - 100 Lava
Strange Tree 92 Completed Hard Woodcutting Achievements ??? xp Strange ,Stranger , and Strangest Leaves

Combat Skills Melee Magic Archery
Gathering Skills Gathering Farming Fishing Mining Woodcutting
Production Skills Brewing Cooking Crafting Invention

Skilling Outfits
