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WIKI - Idle Pixel

Robot Waves are unlocked after gathering all of the parts of the Robot from Junk Bags. After you have all the parts, you will need 1 Plasma to activate the robot.

Robot waves can be attempted once every 24 hours.

Wave Selection

Fight Details
Rookie Fight 5 robots in a row. You will fully regenerate hp and mana every fight.
Warrior Fight 5 robots in a row. You will not regenerate hp or mana between fights.
Master Fight 10 robots in a row. You will fully regenerate hp and mana after the fifth fight.

Robots will have double HP.

Elite Fight 15 robots in a row. You will fully regenerate hp and mana before fighting the final challenge: wave 15.

Robot List

For a list of strats that you can use for fighting the varies robots and waves check out the Robot Waves in the Combat Guide.

Wave Robot Details/Strats
This wave has nothing special.
Will eventually bring his arm up, followed by a powerful lightning attack. This should be reflected.
Heals over max HP every tick. You'll need to hit higher than his max HP to kill this one. Usually can be done with critical hits.
This wave has nothing special.
Flying up in the air, this robot can only be targeted with arrows or magic. Use your highest damage arrows for a quicker fight.
Extremely weak to scythe. The haunted bow does not have any special effects.
Extremely weak to fire damage.
This robot will attack every tick with blood magic. Kill it as quick as possible.
This robot cowardly hiding behind the tank will charge up and quickly fire cannonballs at you every 20 seconds. You must react fast. Like the quest, the cannon can also be damaged via poison. Magic does not work on this wave.
After a few seconds, it will begin to rain. A rain potion might be required here, depending on how much HP you have.
This robot will randomly alter between ice and fire. When the robot turns into ice, use fire damage. If the robot goes up in flames, use ice damage. The robot will alter between states randomly, sometimes very quickly. It is not predictable.
This robot has extremely high defence. Defenders might be useful here.
This robot is very weak to the battleaxe. This weapon can be assembled using the invention skill.
Will eventually bring his arm up, followed by a powerful lightning attack. This should be reflected or avoided. The reaction time here is very important and may charge multiple times a fight, sometimes one after another.
You will full regenerate hp and mana before this fight.

This robot will randomly create a red, green or blue barrier. A red barrier means you must attack with melee, a green barrier means you must attack with archery, a magic barrier means only magic will damage him. Attacking the wrong style during a red or green barrier will cause the robot to heal. He may also start floating in the air, for which he will flicker. Once the flickering intensifies, you must avoid or reflect it. If not you are dead. His flickering speed changes based on his HP.

Robot Wave Loot

Loot Chance Wave
Junk loot bag 100%. Quantity varies. All
Combat XP lamp 100%. Quantity varies. All
Rapier 1% chance Rookie
Rapier 2% chance Warrior
Rapier 5% chance Master
Rapier 10% chance Elite
Golden Rapier 10% chance Elite
Robit Sigil 100% chance Elite