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WIKI - Idle Pixel

Floor 1

Enter the castle using the combat menu. Immediately, a cutscene plays unlocking the castle. The first key to the first door is right in front of the first lock. Pick it up and continue on.

The next room has three interesting features: a locked door, a pressure plate, and a path with the following riddle: "There's a magical force that stops you from going here when it's not raining." To continue, use a Rain Healing Potion and click the arrow to the left. In this room is stranger tree (related to the achievement in elite woodcutting: Chop the tree from the castle (Floor 1)). In the middle of the room is also a key, to the previously mentioned locked door.

The next room has two interesting features: another locked door, and the Castle Ants. Killing them gives you the key to the door.

The following room has a color puzzle. The next door is locked until the puzzle is solved. The hint nearby is the following image:

The solution is: red first, green second, and blue third.

The next room has the wizard from Fardox's Introduction as well as a path to the left and a path to the right. Clicking the wizard causes him to disappear.

Moving to the left goes to Faradox's prison, which has the dead combat instructor and the dead dwarf. The dwarf has a sledge hammer which you need in a following room.

To the right of the center room is a bunch of arrows, which are the solution to a puzzle on the second floor of the castle.

To the right of that room is a menacing-looking rock as well as a locked door. Clicking the rock gives four options, with the stone hammer being the only option with any effect. After using the stone hammer three times, you will run to the entrance of the castle in fear. Once you return, the castle golem will be fightable. It is heavily recommended to use a loot potion on the castle golem, as he drops a mega bomb giving a handful of every geode and potentially giving every mineral needed.

Castle Golem -- Requires a bomb to kill. Back out of the combat screen and use a bomb while still in combat with the golem. The golem will drop a heavy rock used on the pressure plate in one of the first rooms of the castle, plus a mega bomb which can immediately be used to get a handful of all geodes.

Take the heavy rock back to the pressure plate near the entrance to obtain the key to the door in the Castle Golem's room. Behind this door is a tombstone you must click to obtain a note which tells you which monster currently holds the guardian 3 key and what rarity the drop rate is. If you are using Nades' UI script, this will permanently add a notification to your notification bar.

Once unlocked through killing Guardian 3 and castle gathering (Elite Gathering Achievement), the completed floor 2 portal is located in the room just before the prison cells.

Floor 2

Requires portal base 2 and portal 2 -- portal base 2 from elite gathering, portal 2 from g3

The first room you enter contains the portal that goes back to floor 1. The solution is as follows:

Expand to reveal the solution:
  • Right, down, up, right, up, left, down, right, up, up, up, left

Go north.

The next room contains the arrow puzzle. The solution to this is on floor 1. Completing the puzzle unlocks the Castle Tablette, 2-3 Shooting Stars, 3-5 Meteors, and some Evil Blood. The door to this room is not locked.

The next room contains two exits -- one to the north and one to the east, along with the Castle Saltwater Crocodile looking at you menacingly in the middle of the room. The path to the east is currently blocked until you obtain the spiked boots from the Castle merchant. The path to the north is blocked until the Castle Saltwater Crocodile is killed. To the right of the north exit, there is a cutout in the rock wall -- click around until you find the secret room, unlocking a chest with ~2.5 million Tainted Coins and a dragon breath.

The Castle Saltwater Crocodile drops the key to the next room and frozen croc hide, useful for the Castle Yeti fight, as well as for the Undead Yeti in the Mansion Raid. It is recommended you loot pot this fight, to save on tainted coins later to finish the Frozen Croc Armor.

The next room has the Castle Yeti asleep. He can be fought by clicking him. The only room leading out of here is to the right.

This room contains the Castle Merchant. His shop can be seen on his wiki page, but the only important loot for now is the castle boots, which combined with puffer needles allow you to cross the ice in the castle croc's room.

Going east of the croc's room has nothing of note besides a stone with a warning for what's ahead. Go east. The next room has a bunch of snowmen and a door to the north. Enter.

The following puzzles are a serious of "find the odd one out" puzzles. I'm not sure if the solutions are consistent, but if they are, they're in this order:

Expand to reveal the solution:
  • Right, left, right, left, middle, middle, and the sixth door.

Right, left, right, left, middle, middle, and the sixth door.

This leads you to a room with one giant door, upon which entering leads you to the room containing the dad goblin. In this room, there is the dad goblin, a note, and an arrow pointing toward a ladder which currently leads nowhere. The only important thing in this room is the note, which reads:

Expand to reveal the note:
  • "The merchant from the castle will sell portals to the next floor if I buy a dried shroom followed by a dusty hammer." It seems like the dad goblin is writing down castle secrets to not forget them.

It should be noted you can unlock the portal base without reading this note, but the portal appears in this room once built, so you would still need to purchase the castle boots to cross the ice.

Upon returning to the merchant with your newfound knowledge, and purchasing the items in the correct order (see spoiler), you are given this message:

"Ahh, seems like you are one of us. I'll now be selling portals to floor 3, only for you."

You can now purchase the castle portal for floor 3. If you do not already have it by this point, the base for this portal is obtained from castle gathering, similar to the floor 2 base.

Floor 3

Requires portal base 3 and portal 3 -- portal base 3 from elite gathering, portal 3 from Castle Merchant

The first room you enter has nothing of note. There is only the portal back to floor 2, as well as a door to the north. Go through the door.

The next room has an arrow puzzle, similar to the start of floor 2. Here is the solution:

Expand to reveal the solution:
  • left, up, up, up, right, down, left, up, right, up, down, right

Completing the puzzle reveals a chest, which has the following loot:

Some lava, stone, dragon fire breath, dragon ore, and plasma (all in varying amounts).

The following room has a hole in the floor, directly above the prison. You can go left or right here. Go left first.

This room has the train conductor dead on the floor. Clicking on his corpse gives you a trident, 125,000 coins and one pair of bear gloves. Now go right from the previous room.

This room has images of each of the guardians and faradox on the wall. There is nothing else of note in this room. Go right.

The next room has nothing of note aside from the door north and a stone warning you Faradox's lair is ahead. Go north.

This room also has nothing of note, aside from a locked door north leading to Faradox. Since you can get here without killing the Castle Yeti, it's possible you made it here without killing him. If you have, you currently have the key to this lock. If you don't, you need to go back and complete that fight.

Proceed to the next room to face Faradox. Spoiler: You die. This fulfills the requirement for the quest Faradox Attempt. This initiates a dialogue with one of the dead guardians, who gives you an mould for a large ball. You need 50 000 bronze bars, 40 000 iron bars, 30 000 silver bars, and 20 000 gold bars to craft the dense metal ball. Once crafted, you can drop it down the hole mentioned earlier on the third floor, creating a hole in the floor of the prison and unlocking the castle dungeon.


Currently only one room -- unlocks the Guardian Trio. These drop Guardian Combo Loot, which give G4 keys.