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WIKI - Idle Pixel

Armour is the main protective gear within Idle Pixel, which grants protective bonuses while fighting any types of Monsters within all Areas of the game.

There are currently 9 types of armour in game right now which are:
Crocodile (Frozen)

Additionally, there are also 6 types of Rings as well as Skilling Outfits for each of the non-Combat Skills.


A full set of Lizard Skin Armour will give the player +9 Total Defence .

Image Name Defence Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Lizard Mask 2 4 12 150 xp
Lizard Body 3 5 12 180 xp
Lizard Legs 2 4 12 150 xp
Lizard Gloves 1 2 12 75 xp
Lizard Boots 1 2 12 75 xp

A full set of Bat Skin Armour will give the player +14 Total Defence .

Image Name Defence Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Bat Mask 3 4 10 20 300 xp
Bat Body 4 5 20 20 320 xp
Bat Legs 3 4 15 20 300 xp
Bat Gloves 2 2 5 20 110 xp
Bat Boots 2 2 5 20 110 xp

While Bear Fur Armour does not give the player any Defence , each part gives the player 20% cold damage reduction which is recommended when fighting in Northern Fields.

Image Name Defence Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Bear Mask 0 4 10 25 335 xp
Bear Body 0 5 20 25 343 xp
Bear Legs 0 4 15 25 545 xp
Bear Gloves 0 2 5 25 255 xp
Bear Boots 0 2 5 25 255 xp

Reaper Armour pieces may be dropped from Reaper itself with a very rare chance of dropping or Reaper armour pieces may also be bought from the Haunted Mansion Shop for 2 000 Ghost Essence per piece.

The Reaper Armour has two main uses. First, it is typically used for naked reflects. Second, its magic bonus can be used to do more damage with fireball once improved fireball (from blood fire snake) is acquired.

Image Name Defence
Reaper Hood 0
Reaper Body 0
Reaper Skirt 0
Reaper Gloves 0
Reaper Boots 0

Reaper+ Armour pieces may be dropped from Raids.

The Reaper Armour+ is an improved version of the Reaper Armour. It has double the magic bonus and each armour piece gives a 20% chance that your fire spell becomes undead, dealing 4x damage on undead monsters.

Image Name Defence
Reaper Hood+ 0
Reaper Body+ 0
Reaper Skirt+ 0
Reaper Gloves+ 0
Reaper Boots+ 0

A full set of Moonstone Armour will give the player +24 Total Defence (double against monsters found in space) .

Image Name Defence Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Moonstone Mask 5 4 60 2 070 xp
Moonstone Body 6 5 60 2 277 xp
Moonstone Legs 5 4 60 2 070 xp
Moonstone Gloves 4 2 60 1 035 xp
Moonstone Boots 4 2 60 1 035 xp

A full set of Crocodile Armour will give the player +29 Total Defence .

Image Name Defence Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Crocodile Mask 6 4 40 8
Quality Wool
70 7 584 xp
Crocodile Body 7 5 50 10
Quality Wool
70 10 250 xp
Crocodile Legs 6 4 40 8
Quality Wool
70 9 859 xp
Crocodile Gloves 5 2 204
Quality Wool
70 7 542 xp
Crocodile Boots 5 2 20 4
Quality Wool
70 6 485 xp

A full set of Castle Crocodile Armour will give the player +29 Total Defence along with resistance to cold.

After defeating the Castle Crocodile, additional Frozen Crocodile Hide can be obtained from the Castle Shop.

Image Name Defence Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Crocodile Mask (Frozen) 6 1 x

10 4

90 ? xp
Crocodile Body (Frozen) 7 1 x

20 5

90 41 003 xp
Crocodile Legs (Frozen) 6 1 x

25 4

90 39 435 xp
Crocodile Gloves (Frozen) 5 1 x

5 2

90 ? xp
Crocodile Boots (Frozen) 5 1 x

5 2

90 25 940 xp

A full set of Dragon Armour will give the player +52 Total Defence . Each piece also requires the respective Mould to craft, obtained from fighting the Guardian Trio.

Image Name Defence Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Dragon Helmet 10 30 100 ? xp
Dragon Body 15 75 100 ? xp
Dragon Legs 11 45 100 ? xp
Dragon Gloves 8 25 100 ? xp
Dragon Boots 8 25 100 ? xp


All of the rings mentioned below must be crafted from the Mining tab by clicking on the correct Minerals which can be obtained from the Chisel. Every ring can be worn at the same time, i.e. a tier 1 and tier 2 damage ring would provide a total of +3 damage (or +6, if you do double damage). Every ring craft is also unique, so once you get the mineral once, it's generally safe to use anything beyond the first mineral for xp conversion (but save three jades and one blood crystal for achievements). This also means once you craft the master ring, you cannot recraft the rings.

Weak Rings

Image Name Bonus Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Weak Defence Ring +1 Defence 20 Iron Bars + 1 Blue Marble 40 1 000 xp
Weak Damage Ring +1 Melee Damage
+1 Arrow Damage
20 Iron Bars + 1 Amethyst 40 2 000 xp
Weak Accuracy Ring +1 Accuracy 20 Iron Bars + 1 Sea Crystal 40 3 000 xp

Normal Rings

Image Name Bonus Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Normal Defence Ring +2 Defence 20 Silver Bars + 1 Dense Marble 50 2 000 xp
Normal Damage Ring +2 Melee Damage
+2 Arrow Damage
20 Silver Bars + 1 Fluorite 50 4 000 xp
Normal Accuracy Ring +2 Accuracy 20 Silver Bars + 1 Clear Marble 50 6 000 xp

Good Rings

Image Name Bonus Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Good Defence Ring +3 Defence 20 Gold Bars + 1 Jade 60 3 000 xp
Good Damage Ring +3 Melee Damage
+3 Arrow Damage
20 Gold Bars + 1 Lime Quartz 60 ??? xp
Good Accuracy Ring +3 Accuracy 20 Gold Bars + 1 Opal 60 10 000 xp

Great Rings

Image Name Bonus Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Great Defence Ring +4 Defence 20 Promethium Bars + 1 Purple Quartz 70 4 000 xp
Great Damage Ring +4 Melee Damage
+4 Arrow Damage
20 Promethium Bars + 1 Amber 70 10 000 xp
Great Accuracy Ring +4 Accuracy 20 Promethium Bars + 1 Smooth Pearl 70 ??? xp

Perfect Rings

Image Name Bonus Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Perfect Defence Ring +5 Defence 20 Titanium Bars + 1 Sulfer 80 10 000 xp
Perfect Damage Ring +5 Melee Damage
+5 Arrow Damage
20 Titanium Bars + 1 Topaz 80 ??? xp
Perfect Accuracy Ring +5 Accuracy 20 Titanium Bars + 1 Tanzanite 80 52 500 xp

Ancient Rings

Image Name Bonus Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience
Ancient Defence Ring +6 Defence 20 Ancient Bars + 1 Magnesium 90 ???? xp
Ancient Damage Ring +6 Melee Damage
+6 Arrow Damage
20 Ancient Bars + 1 Frozen Mineral 90 ???? xp
Ancient Accuracy Ring +6 Accuracy 20 Ancient Bars + 1 Blood Crystal 90 ???? xp

Master Ring

Once this ring is crafted, it will consume all previous rings and they will not be craftable again.

Image Name Bonus Crafting Cost Level to Craft Invention Experience
Master Ring

+25 Defence
+25 Melee Damage
+25 Arrow Damage
+25 Accuracy
x2 Fight Point Regen

1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ,
1 , 1 , 1 ,
1 , 1 , 1 ,
1 , 1 , 1 ,
1 , 1 , 1 ,
1 , 1 , 1 ,
1 , 1 , 1

90 415 254 xp

First ring crafted by Magnus

Other rings

Skilling Outfits

After the Closet is crafted at level 50 Crafting it unlocks the ability to find Skilling Outfits.

Obtaining the Skilling Outfits will yield bonus xp for the respective skill permanently. Having the full set will give an even bigger bonus xp.

These are the following Skilling Outfits available within Idle Pixel:

Mining Skilling Outfits

Each outfit piece can be found within their respective geode.

Image Name Set Bonus
Mining Skilling Shirt -1 stardust per xp
Mining Skilling Pants
Mining Skilling Gloves
Mining Skilling Boots

Crafting Skilling Outfits

The Crafting Skilling Outfit is the only one which needs to be crafted from Skillers Leather which may be looted from any type of Monsters.

Image Name Crafting Cost Level to Craft Crafting Experience Set Bonus
Crafting Skilling Shirt
5 + Diamond Needle
20 600 xp
-1 stardust per XP
Crafting Skilling Pants 4 + Diamond Needle
18 360 xp
Crafting Skilling Gloves 3 + Diamond Needle
15 120 xp
Crafting Skilling Boots 3 + Diamond Needle
12 120 xp

Gathering Skilling Outfits

Each outfit piece can be found within any lootbags.

Image Name Bonus Set Bonus
Gathering Skilling Shirt +1% XP boost +5% XP boost
Gathering Skilling Pants +1% XP boost
Gathering Skilling Gloves +1% XP boost
Gathering Skilling Boots +1% XP boost

Farming Skilling Outfits

Each outfit piece can be found when planting high level seeds.

Image Name Bonus Set Bonus
Farming Skilling Shirt +1% XP boost +5% XP boost
Farming Skilling Pants +1% XP boost
Farming Skilling Gloves +1% XP boost
Farming Skilling Boots +1% XP boost

Brewing Skilling Outfits

Each outfit piece can be found when drinking a potion without going over the base timer.

Image Name Bonus Set Bonus
Brewing Skilling Shirt +1% XP boost +5% XP boost
Brewing Skilling Pants +1% XP boost
Brewing Skilling Gloves +1% XP boost
Brewing Skilling Boots +1% XP boost

Woodcutting Skilling Outfits

Each outfit piece can be found when chopping down trees.

Image Name Bonus Set Bonus
Woodcutting Skilling Shirt +1% XP boost +5% XP boost
Woodcutting Skilling Pants +1% XP boost
Woodcutting Skilling Gloves +1% XP boost
Woodcutting Skilling Boots +1% XP boost

Cooking Skilling Outfits

Each outfit piece can be found when preparing food with the Cook's Book.

Image Name Bonus Set Bonus
Cooking Skilling Shirt +1% XP boost +5% XP boost
Cooking Skilling Pants +1% XP boost
Cooking Skilling Gloves +1% XP boost
Cooking Skilling Boots +1% XP boost

Fishing Skilling Outfits

Each outfit piece can be found when sending out any type of boats.

Image Name Bonus Set Bonus
Fishing Skilling Shirt +1% XP boost +5% XP boost
Fishing Skilling Pants +1% XP boost
Fishing Skilling Gloves +1% XP boost
Fishing Skilling Boots +1% XP boost